

The imposing Federation-style home, designed by architect Herbert Ross was completed in 1904, including state-of-the-art early 20th century acoutrements, such as a butler and housemaid call system, still visible today.  The lavish décor and generous rooms, replete with exquisite ornate ceilings and plaster mouldings, ensured that the resident family would be luxuriously accommodated and that ethos has continued into this new century.

The house has been meticulously restored, after several “colourful” turns of fortune, and now boasts 8 bedrooms with ensuites or dedicated bathrooms and various scenic views from the original, ornate windows.  Sympathetically furnished with a blend of antique and reproduction pieces, some of which are much-loved family heirlooms, each with its own story.  Of course, modern amenities are de riguer, including electric. blankets, quality linens, Axminster wool carpeting and designer drapes and that ubiquitous tv, tastefully blended into the décor to maintain an olde worlde atmosphere.

BLAIR ATHOL ESTATE offers a selection of accommodation options to suit most budgets, from the sumptuous Bridal Suite to the genuine but comfortable “Maid’s Room”, with several options in between, including a ground-floor, wheelchair-friendly suite comprising king bed and twin singles.

But, no matter what the budget, all can dine like the local gentry did a century ago, with hearty country-style breakfasts, many of the ingredients garnered from the estate or the local area.  With prior arrangement, dinner can be organized  to provide that all-inclusive manorial experience.  Perhaps pre-dinner drinks in front of a glowing open fire in the Sitting Room followed by a sumptuous meal in the delightful Dining Room or in summer, a romantic stroll around the gardens.



Situated just 6km from the thriving New England township of Inverell, it may seem a long way from home, but BLAIR ATHOL ESTATE (EST.1904) is appropriately named after a picturesque village in Scotland., albeit with a missing “L”.

There is an Australian twist, of course.  Instead of heather on the moors, Bunya pines dominate the majestic driveway and lure a lucky guest to sample the comfort and delights which await  …………..


Laced with the history of the original family, including the last resting place of Florence and Theodore Cooper, the garden and surrounds add another dimension to an overnight visit, or much to be recommended, a longer, more relaxing stay – just to try to peel back some of the many layers of this fascinating country estate.


As you turn into Blair Athol Estate you are immediately struck by a sense of nostalgia and elegance, as you wind your way through the historic driveway into the courtyard of the main house. The manicured greenery that lines the entrance to Blair Athol gives the visitor a sense of far-away times and twinkling garden parties under the setting sun.


Wander at will among the majestic trees in The Grove, some of which began life in Kew Gardens, London, way back in the 1860’s.  In fact, the garden pre-dates the manor house by around 40 years.  Not all are exotic foreign blooms though.  Witness the impressive Bunya-pine lined driveway which welcomes all visitors to come sample the many delights to be discovered around every corner ……….. Moreton Bay Figs, Chinese Mourning Trees , Baobabs and  Lemon-scented  Gums jostle with smaller, more down-to-earth species such as the humble snap dragon.  At every turn there is something for the inquisitive garden enthusiast or casual onlooker.